naturalGRO Floral K


Readily available form of potassium.

  • Efficient liquid fertiliser for flowers and fruiting plants
  • Excellent source of potassium for plants
  • Induces shoot growth, flowering & fruiting
  • Reduces the risk of leaves burning
  • Enhances photosynthesis rate
  • Promotes uniform growth for turf grass
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naturalGRO Floral K

naturalGRO Floral K is a solution designed to provide easily accessible potassium for the optimal nourishment and flourishing of flowers. By prioritizing the delivery of this vital nutrient, the product serves as a catalyst for enhancing the vibrancy and vitality of floral displays. Its unique formulation ensures efficient potassium uptake, enabling robust floral growth and abundant bloom production.

naturalGRO Floral K caters to the diverse needs of various flower varieties, promoting stunning and resilient floral arrangements that boast prolonged vibrancy and beauty. With its emphasis on providing readily available potassium, this product stands as a valuable asset for florists, horticulturists, and gardening enthusiasts looking to cultivate flourishing and visually captivating floral landscapes.

Typical Analysis W/V

  • Potassium (K)(as citrate): 34.73%
  • SG: 1.5
  • pH: 7 – 8
  • Conductivity: 15 – 25mS/cm
  • Appearance: Clear liquid


How to use naturalGRO Floral K?


Can be done via foliar spraying weekly and drenching bi-monthly. Dilute at 10mL (~1 cap) per 1L water.

Storage & Handling

Store in a cool dry area out of direct sunlight. This product has been tested to store safely down to 5°C. Crystallisation or sedimentation may occur below 5°C. Do not pre-mix or store in diluited form. Seal cap immediately after use.


Any recommendations provided by naturalGRO or its Distributors are advice only. As no control can be exercised over storage, handling, mixing, application or use, or weather, plant or soil conditions before, during or after application (all of which may affect the performance of our program), no responsibility for, or liability for any failure in performance, losses, damages, or injuries (consequential or otherwise), arising from such storage, mixing, application, or use will be accepted under any circumstances whatsoever. naturalGRO recommend you contact an Agronomist prior to product application. The Buyer assumes all responsibility for the use of any naturalGRO products.