naturalGRO Charcoal Chips
Charcoal chips are a type of carbon-rich material derived from the pyrolysis or carbonisation of various organic substances, such as wood, agricultural residues, or other biomass sources. This process involves heating the organic material in the absence of oxygen, resulting in the conversation of the material into a carbon-rich, porous product known as charcoal. Charcoal chips are characterised by their high porosity, which gives them an excellent capacity for adsorbing and retaining various compounds and substances.
naturalGRO Charcoal Chips are used as a soil amendment to improve soil structure, enhance moisture retention, and promote plant growth. Their porous nature allows them to absorb and retain moisture and nutrients, providing a stable and conducive environment for beneficial microorganisms and plant roots. Additionally, their ability to adsorb and neutralise odors and toxins makes them valuable for maintaining a healthy and balanced soil environment for plant growth. naturalGRO Charcoal Chips are a sustainable and environmentally friendly option for improving soil quality and supporting healthy plant development.
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